Sunday 23 February 2020

Week 21

Even Busier Week

Script review with Dotty - Dotty helped me realise how my script and dialogue could improve. In the dialogue, I have been describing the action that was happening. As a result, I was using unnecessary talking of the puppets that could be used for character acting instead. Now I need to arrange another meeting with Ava and ask her to adjust the storyboards if she can fit me in her schedule still. 

On the positive side, Georgia T. has offered to use letterpress for my credits sequence. This is great as it maintains the handmade feel throughout the project. These are all the colours I can choose from as well as many fonts and letter sizes.
I am hoping to test lights and animate shadow-play part of the story while making the puppets and finishing the props for this set. Now the storyboard and new animatic although overall, these changes may save me some sweating in the animating stage, I will need to re-record the audio too. 

LAW - sending off an application for funding for the ZCH live brief. Signs of burn out - missed a meeting for Zero Carbon Headingley by accident. Step back. Inspired by the way Ava deals with meetings. When I have meetings be assertive about the time I am giving the task/project/meeting as I feel like that I have been giving away too much time to the live brief and not enough rest to be fully involved in my final film.

Meeting with G. T., puppets costumes making. Week to make one.

Meeting with C. T. - roles for One Minute For the Planet - mine is a set with bottle- puppet- animation.

Meanwhile, I have offered to help Jenny refine storyboards because her film is about ballet and I have done contemporary Dance GCSE as well as som ballroom, folk and hip hop in the past.

At the end of the week, I have met with my music composer, Matteo. We have been in contact about the theme of the story etc. and today we were going to discuss the storyboards and more specific requirements of the music in this story.

I have prepared myself by looking up some examples that express my ideas: Sol nad Zlato - Slovak tale Ambient, expressive, abstract. Song of The Sea - Irish folklore music Violin, (a big thing in Slovak folklore, as well as Bass, Acordeon, 

Additional sound: 
Room Setting - flat, straight forward
Cave - Atmospheric, inspired by the environment During the meeting, I wished I had better vocabulary in the music area as I struggled to express my ideas verbally. Matteo was very professional and helpful and that made it slightly easier for me.

I have also decided on the names of my characters. They share the same protective stone and flower.

Names: Translatable, short, sweet meaning, included in the calendar of first names in Slovakia.
*** ***

Li has now completed the final version of the little girl character concept.

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