Sunday 9 December 2018

LAUAN503 - Weekly 9

Tale telling

This week we are meant to start shooting. I still have to make the props and finish off the set.
I have finished painting all the tiles, and using glossy lacquer to finish it off with more gloss for reflection.

The floor and piano making in progress

I glued all the lolli sticks and used emulsion paint to paint the walls and gouache paint for the wooden floor.
Making the piano keys

I have finally decided how to make the piano keys, using milliput and black & white glass paint.

Piano legs
I have made the piano legs that can be screwed onto the piano with adjustable hight. To make it fit the puppet perfectly. However, due to the nature of the material used for the base (thick mount card) it was bending a little making the piano stand not straight. So I had to hot glue gun the legs at the desired height. The legs are made of combination of milliput, wooden sticks and screws. filled down to shape and painted with brown glass paint.

Work in progress with a little helper

I have also made the chair and found out that the glass paint works well as a wood stain effect too - saved me buying one.

Set at the Stop Motion studio space

I moved the set to University on the 5th, rescheduled starting date for shooting. mainly so that we can start setting up the lights and equipment while the wall effects (as highlighted at the students presentations that there is a big need for this) and rest of the props can be finished.

The silicone puppet was taken out of the mould on this day. However, Zhama chose to remake the puppet for a good reason - better functionality and aesthetics. We did not get to test this puppet against the set on this occassion. So I am continuing on improving the set and props for Tuesday when the second puppet should be ready.

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